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The most common types of mooring lines today

Oct 14, 2020

The most common types of mooring lines today

Ship mooring is used in the maritime industry with many functions, ensuring safety for ships when anchoring and docking at ports. Therefore, the role of mooring lines on ships in general and on fishing boats in particular is very important. The mooring line needs strength and durability, this article will share with you the most popular types of mooring lines today.


What material are ropes made of?

Oct 14, 2020

What material are ropes made of?

Surely, there are quite a few people wondering what rope is, but when they go to the store, the dealer often refers to the rope because of its popularity. Today's article will help you better understand the rope and the materials that make it up.


* History Of Baler Twine

Oct 03, 2020

* History Of Baler Twine

Baler twine is a kind of binding twine using for an automatic baler machine. It can be made from natural twine or synthetic twine. If you trace back to the history of baler twine, it has been used from the 19th century when automatic reaper machines were developing. Originally, baler twine was used by hand and called binding twine.