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5 ways to recycle hay bale twine

Oct 03, 2020

5 ways to recycle hay bale twine

We are all agree about how important baler twine is in agriculture industry nowadays. It has so many benefits which could leverage farming into the next level - a more productivity and fast level.


What is a baler twine?

Oct 03, 2020

What is a baler twine?

From the old days until now, straw has always been a very useful product. It is a source of fuel, a raw material for many fields of production and a product to serve all aspects of our lives. Today, with modern technology, straw is processed to make a lot of useful things in daily life. It can be said that straw is a precious resource. But now many have forgotten the value of it in life. In the past few years, the burning of rice straw is a common phenomenon in many places, become increasingly after the harvest, causing adverse impacts on the environment and the health of the people. In Vietnam, the collection of straw postharvest has not been widely implemented.


Asia Dragon's greenhouse twine - quality comes first

Oct 03, 2020

Asia Dragon's greenhouse twine - quality comes first

The Netherlands is not only famous for Tulips. The Netherlands is also famous for its modern agricultural greenhouses. As a coastal country, there are many large rivers, the land of the Netherlands is fertile, but limited. The Netherlands has about 2 million hectares of farmland, including more than 110,000 hectares of land used for growing flowers, fruits, gardening, 12,200 hectares are used for growing flowers and vegetables in the greenhouse with about 135,000 employees working regularly (figures in 2012).


Why you need tomato twine in your garden

Oct 03, 2020

Why you need tomato twine in your garden

Concrete buildings are on the increase with the rapid development of urbanization. To create a green space for the city, the solution to minimize the greenhouse effect is to plant trees. Today, more and more people are making use of the space available in their homes to create gardens. It may be a corner of the backyard, or it can be planted on a rooftop.


3 most important uses of polypropylene rope in agriculture

Oct 03, 2020

3 most important uses of polypropylene rope in agriculture

In recent years, seafood, which is the main export of Vietnam, tends to grow relatively high and stable. Over the past five years, Vietnam's fisheries sector has had favorable conditions, boosting production and exports to achieve remarkable results, significantly contributing to national GDP, creating jobs for hundreds of thousands Local enterprises, creating many key businesses for the economy and changing the face of development in many provinces in the country.


How tomato twine changed horticulture

Oct 03, 2020

How tomato twine changed horticulture

Nowadays, the problem of fruit safety in our country is very alarming. The fruit has been injected with chemicals to gain illicit profits has happened for a long time. However, this problem has not shown signs of decreased but seems increasingly seriously, directly threatening the benefits and health of consumers.