Oct 19, 2020

Ms. Nguyen Thi Viet Hoa - General Director of Asia Dragon Company:


“The problem here is that in order to compete every day, we also have to control very high input costs, and besides that, production costs. We almost have to keep Price once a year, or two years, the thing here is to grow in output to save on costs ”


Scrap recycling is also a way to contribute to cheap input materials, especially when Vietnam is ranked 5th in the world for plastic waste by the World Bank.


The plastic industry planning to 2020 with a vision to 2025 has an orientation towards scrap recycling, but so far has not had many results.


Vietnam Plastic Association wants the Government to have specific mechanisms and policies to attract domestic and foreign resources to focus on investing in projects of producing raw materials, semi-finished products, chemicals, additives ... for the plastic industry in the country.

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