Techniques to grow and care for pumpkins without pests and diseases, high yield

Oct 14, 2020

Many farmers choose to get rich from squash. However, it is not easy to grow squash successfully with high yield. Accordingly, farmers need to know the planting techniques and appropriate care. Follow the article below, people will know how to grow and take care of pumpkins effectively.

In the scope of this article, we only mention the type of squash, also known as the green squash. This is a summer vegetable plant, capable of storing for a long time in normal temperature conditions. It is known that squash can be grown in the main season and off-season. Although when growing off-season, pumpkin yield is not as high as in the main crop, but farmers can sell the price so the economic efficiency is still higher.

1. Techniques of growing lush squash

1.1 Soaking seeds Soak

the seeds in clean water for 4-6 hours, then pick up the sour water. Mix with sand ratio: 1 seed / 3 - 4 sand, tightly wrapped in cloth, sealed bucket, filled with water 2 times a day, about 1-2 days, seeds cracked, sowed straight or sowed in plastic trays, foam blisters, nylon gourd.

1.2 Potting

soil for potting is a mixture of manure and alluvial soil in the ratio 1: 1. Apply 1kg of urea + 1.5 kg of phosphorus, 1.5 kg of potassium for 1000kg of soil mixture to make the potting medium. Conditionally, the mixture should be treated with some fungicide, about 10 days before giving the seeds.

Farmers use plastic bags (must cut the bottom 2 corners to easily drain water), banana leaves, or a tray size depending on the time taken to the field, to store the potting mix. If planted in a large area can do as corn potting.

After sowing seeds, cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil, then cover with a layer of rotting rice husks or humus, watering evenly for 5-7 days for evenly grown seeds. When plants begin to have real leaves, people proceed to bring out the best field.

Nursing pumpkin seeds into pots

1.3 Making squash

soil People should choose sandy soil, light meat, and actively irrigate. Zucchini can be intercropped, planted separately, so the soil preparation is different. After harvesting the supplementary crops, make additional soil for the official planting of squash. 

The size of the pumpkin bed depends on the scaffolding of the plant. If there is a platform for making beds 1.2 - 1.4m wide, if you let crawl on the ground, the bed surface is 2.7 - 3m wide.

1.4 Fertilization for squash

The amount of fertilizer for 1000m2 of pumpkin is as follows: Decomposed manure 6-7 kg, urea protein 5 - 6kg, kalicloride 6 - 8kg, super phosphate Lam Thao 12 - 15kg. Acidic soil (pH <5) add 20-25kg of lime powder when messing up.

2. Techniques to take care of squash without pests and diseases, high yield

2.1 Fertilizer techniques, pruning leaves, making scaffolds for squash People

pay attention when plants have about 2-3 real leaves, break up scum, combine with fertilizing end, nurture the tree. Fertilize the second time, the tree starts to recline the top of the cow or climb the scaffold, expand, deep, combine with 25% nitrogen + 25% potassium fertilizer for the tree. Fertilize the third time when the pods are full, apply the remaining fertilizer.

Applying fertilizers in the right technique will give high yield.

When the rope is 50cm long, use soil to block the burning, 1-2 ways to block to take advantage of the zucchini tree with uncertain roots, increasing the ability to attract nutrients to nurture fruit. after that. Every 3-4 days, stop 1 time, to steer the pumpkin tip in one hole to crawl to the other, then use the ropes for climbing. When leaning the rope for climbing, keep the rope in a natural position, do not turn the rope upside down or twist.

Instead of using banana strings and straws in the past, people should use agricultural strands to tie the tops to the truss. This type of wire has many outstanding advantages with quite high breaking force and small elasticity. In addition, the original plastic material, the same special structure, the fiber does not damage the pumpkin wire even though it has good bearing capacity. Strong and durable rope body, superior to normal nylon or banana, straw, ...

Use agricultural strands to tie pumpkins to the truss

To buy agricultural strands to make trusses to ensure good quality. You can contact Rong A Chau Spinning Company Limited at Lot 9C, Street 8, Tan Tao Industrial Park, Tan Tao A Ward, Binh Tan District, City. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Note: People should tie the rope on the axillary side. Cross ropes for evenly truss and not shade the fruit. Cross slot like a roof to take advantage of space, make reasonable use of light. Each tree has 1-2 main branches. Place the fruit stalk right at the intersection of 2 saplings so that when the fruit is big, do not push the rope, drop the rig. 

2.2 Pest control

Green squash is often harmed by a number of pests such as: enchantment worms, aphids, green worms ... and some common diseases: green wilt, plant rot, apricot dew, white chalk ... Farmers need to pay close attention to timely detection and prevention. That is the way to ensure that pumpkins have high quality productivity.

2.3 Harvesting pumpkins

When a pumpkin is about 50-60 days old, farmers can begin to harvest it. Young squash can be collected in the period 25-35 days old (after beans). Autumn in the early morning, should gently avoid scratches. Old fruits can be arranged in rows and layers for a cool place to preserve. This type has a quite special feature, which is that people can be preserved for 1 month without affecting the quality.

With the above techniques of planting and caring for pests and diseases, high yield. Hopefully, people will help them get a suitable fertilization method, improve economic efficiency and get rich quickly from this form of pumpkin cultivation.

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