* 10 Years Of Building The Brand Of The Princess In Fiber Industry - General Director Of Asia Dragon*

Oct 14, 2020

In Vietnam, few industrialists dare to invest heavily in synthetic rope industries for maritime and agriculture. Yet Nguyen Viet Hoa, a beautiful, slender woman with a good singing voice, decided to enter this field of very different high-tech.

10 years of pursuing the dream, the synthetic rope of Asia Dragon has flown away, conquering the most demanding markets such as the US, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Mexico ...

Business friends who just attended the 10th anniversary of A Chau Dragon at the factory in Tan Tao Industrial Park organized by the company's brothers, were amazed when she put the word "Beautiful, Strong, Rich" into the public company culture ..., to have such a beautiful 10th anniversary, how did you and your staff live with that word "beautiful"?

Beauty is a higher degree of quality. Beautiful in both content and form, designs, machines, factories, people ... When I communicated to the workers about the word Beautiful, everyone was excited and responded, slowly had a perfect mind. Beautiful not only at work but also at home. When the beauty penetrates each person, it becomes flesh and blood before conquering the foreign customers; then, there will be stable customers. It is the beauty that makes each person more confident and motivated to work. With internally, solidarity makes human strength. This is rich in material, human, cultural. It made the income for people higher and higher and contributed to society, for the brothers and sisters in the company, and to the hometowns of the workers. Those three messages that I gave lightly, not under much pressure on sales, are the internal strength to push sales.

Looking back on the 10-year journey, what is the biggest gain for Asian Dragon?

The invisible, but the greatest gain, is the spirit. The staff beside me is faithful. The customer is also faithful, receiving more offers for cooperation; I have to consider that the joint venture must be truly profitable, as the Asia Dragon joint venture with Australia has been 4 years, very well developed. To do that, surely the quality must be stable. The biggest market is the US, Australia; when talking about Vietnam, they certainly know about Asian Dragon. If we keep growing like that, specializing in the right profession, having good quality, then nothing to worry about.

High-tech agriculture is thriving in the domestic market; the giants are also jumping into this market, but why the chain for agriculture of Asia Dragon is… retail for the domestic market, and mainly export?

When signing a joint venture with Australia, I made a prudent contract. They are not sold domestically, and the big market will be divided. Whoever has customers, the other party is not offered. Their company is a hundred years old, and they must keep their reputation. My next year's strategy will be to expand the domestic market. Currently, this market still belongs to some foreign companies, but the prices are a bit high. I want to come back to have a better price for the agricultural and fishery market of Vietnam.4 years ago, most of the farms, big companies have known about Asian Dragon's rope, but it is just retail. . Vingroup's large banana farm, U&I, uses our ropes every rainy season to keep the trees from falling over. Shortly, it will link with the Agricultural Associations to strengthen it. According to the progress of agricultural development in greenhouses, farmers will inevitably use more of the rope. When setting up a factory, I think it was only for export, because there were few places in Asia. Only countries with large agriculture and fisheries such as Europe, New Zealand, Australia ... need synthetic agricultural fibers. Visiting farms in other countries, seeing that they use a lot of string for cucumbers, gourd, squash, melon, tomatoes ... I think Vietnam will use it first. Ho Chi Minh City, providing samples for them to be "guinea pigs" to test tomatoes, bananas, mushrooms ... thereby calculating the durability and load capacity for each type of wire according to Israeli technology. In the past 3 years, our government has returned to clean agriculture, a mandatory trend. Vietnam's weather is erratic at night unstable temperatures, affecting crop quality. Farmers must study carefully to calculate the rope along with the plant's growth. I am glad that I cannot sell goods, but because people have received new things very quickly, buying and selling yarns is not wasteful. Famous as beauty in Hai Phong portland, fate has led a woman. "Weak willow" like you become an industrialist in the rope industry? When I was a teenager, I was an extremely romantic girl, loves fashion, and liked to draw princess pictures ... 15-16 years old knew how to make money by sewing clothes for neighbors. 18 years old has a fashion store in Hai Phong. I never thought that I would do an industry, because my personality was so flying, in Saigon, at first, Minh Hanh and Si Hoang studied fashion, but turned to work as a tourist, secretary a Hongkong company, then transferred to Daewoo construction corporation ... It was at this corporation that I learned the scientific arrangement, neat, clean and strict.

In 1999, a predestined relationship pushed me into a Malaysian company specializing in rope manufacturing, just as the company was on the verge of bankruptcy when the economic crisis struck, forcing me to sell to another owner. At the age of 26, Tay Ninh, when I was 26 years old, my wisdom and leadership qualities rose; I did it myself and made up my own mind. Being assigned to work, many naturally appear to know what to do to revive the company. Like going into the jungle, so many circumstances motivate me to find foreign customers. I remember the first container exported to the US in 2000, to the US in 2001, at the same time when my oldest son was born. To have the first container to export to the US, I had to stay awake many nights to search the internet because, at that time, The whole company has only one desktop computer. During the day, when people use computers, I cannot access; at night, I look for each address, send letters myself to greet customers. That day I was fine; I slept 3 hours a day. I looked after my children again, and I went to work in the morning. The first thing is to look at the fax machine to see if any customers are answering? People hear that the bankrupt company also worries, we have to commit a lot. Even the product I take care of, I also mix the color myself. I always remember the first order they ordered was snow blue; the technical brothers could not match the color. I have to mix it myself, get the minimal ratio of stone green to mix with white to get that color. In the past, I was the best chemistry class! On the first day, people only buy yarn, then yarn will be twisted, and then three years later, they buy finished products.

Why did it take so much effort to revive a bankrupt company, you left empty-handed to start your own business with Asia Dragon?

In 2001, the company started to revive; everything grew slowly, 50% domestic market share, 50% export market share. But in 2006 the boss ... stopped me from doing it! I do not know the reason; perhaps he wants to manage directly. Count yourself dignity, and stop is stop. When I was young, I immediately opened a Blue Ocean company, thinking only to do business. But some Vietnamese companies refused to invest; the old companies did not sell them anymore. I was blocked from all sources, forced to open the Asian Dragon. The old company produced ropes and nets, I kept the business ethic, not making the old company's products, but choosing a completely new category of rope. Synthetic fibers in agriculture and fishery. In this industry, I previously suggested that the old company invest because customers ask a lot, but they do not do it because it is costly. The first spinning machine, keep a little "later if there is a loss, I will take money to support the children for you." That means accepting one is winning, two is… losing it! Many nights the phone jerked, listening to the brothers reporting on the phone wanted a heart attack. I ran down to the machine company, and it was fine, you kept saying that it was afraid of me. I decided not to listen to the phone at night anymore; let my brothers handle it. Just do the wrong thing, do it while I take risks, so I know every phone. Passing through and smelling the spinning machine, I know which machine is sick, where the loudest is to correct you. To do better, it is better to prevent disease than cure, without wasting time, effort, and money. Moreover, investing in 5 spinning machines for 282 thousand USD / unit. When I was young, I also liked to wear nice clothes when I grew up, and machines had to buy from Europe. There are 5 spinning machines, each from 32,000 Euro to 36,000 Euro… Customers ordered the first sample, container shipped in December 2006. In 2007 there are profits, tax reports always. From the beginning, the criterion of lean production, where the product came from ... Recalling that first day, must thank ACB bank partner Chau Van Liem Branch for the guarantee, the Danish supplier gave orders over a year were free of interest, and an Austrian client gave them deferred payments. Many people said I was reckless. That is not dignity, but I have to do it because we are young, and our children are capable; we must take the risk, not to fight. My instinct urges me to do it; customers love it, I don't know where the money comes from.

In 2007, your company faced the world economic crisis; the biggest customer was in trouble; the cost of raw materials increased again. At that time, your spirit was "on the hardest"?

Probably also, but short. When I made such a big investment, but the client said that I had to find another partner because it was too difficult, my morale was bad. But what has come has come, must know how to make it pass quickly. Everyone looked at me leisurely but really always thought about how to support the factory better. When he called me to stop the contract, she could find another consumer. After a cold time, I calmed down: "My grandfather and I do our best, make even, to overcome the crisis." This guest has been attached to me until now; the goods do not have inventory; the money will be returned immediately after exporting. The most visible shelf of any inventory is on; people see it every day. We do not need to go to the factory, look at the camera to know how the factory is doing. In a crisis, plastic's price has just increased, but thanks to the reserve of raw materials, I do not have to buy when the price of plastic hits the ceiling; thus, it will adjust the price every 6 months to 1 year. Since then, I have more customers from Australia, America, Nigeria ...

What is your secret to conquering foreign customers?

Foreigners are frank, not buying their goods, they are also straightforward; if they keep the quality and price criteria stable, it is self-confidence. Answering customers in 24 hours. Customers only need to ask one thing; I have answered everything to see that they understand the customer and understand the product very well, including purchasing product liability insurance, factory insurance, and equipment insurance to secure the company financially.

What is the biggest challenge for a 32-year-old girl when setting up a factory?

I forgot everything, did not remember anything, just glad that everyone was still there. To maintain performance requires the leader to be persistent; I like to hire young people because they are active, learn faster, the time they spend with me longer, the experience I passed on to you is kept. One of my employees is versatile, can work in two or three departments, much more confident. Being a Vietnamese company but all department heads are good at English, because ... the boss is good at English (laughs). A genuine thing, before when I joined the old company, everyone did not like me because she saw her young. Everything will work, after a beautiful day, called by the boss, with all my soul! I realized let's work hard, take care of our employees more. For their love to be for us, it must be tough work.

On the company's 10th anniversary, the gift she gave to guests was the book "Do as Play" by Mr. Minh Niem. What is the concept of life that helped her to ... act as play?

Since childhood, I have followed my mother to the temple, but I have not been enlightened. Working for a few companies, seeing injustice, why I do well is not trusted. When mastering, seeing a few people follow me, there is no reason to love me. I have thought a lot about that, from the assistant to the head of the department all treat the same, all need each other. The first time I met Thich Nhat Hanh, the teacher told the story of the river, in cloudy water, in clouds with water, sun ... This story I always tell you, to see that we need each other. That is my way of life. There is a time when I go down to the factory to see that your face is green, stressed, can't see. Is it because of fear of the boss, fear of work? I encourage the way you have to share. Working must be comfortable and happy because the time at work is more than at home; the pressure to stress is not. Now you are also much better. I really need people, know what to do to keep it. Giving is easy, but receiving is difficult, must know how to receive it. I do not emphasize money, do it in my power, for the best for everyone. That is gratitude and gratitude, helping me lighter. There are very delicate things. One day, an excellent male employee of mine offered to borrow money from the company to ... "make" the baby! She and her husband were infertile. He also "did" a few times, but not yet, now runs out of money. I say, suggested. When asked if I "passed" the baby, I wrote off the debt. He cried so hard. The company always sponsors that thing and going to school. Thanks to that, not only girls but also boys open up to me ...

Business is hard but always sees her… beautiful! Do you have time to take care of your three children and your dream home?

True love, everyone will sympathize. Saturday Sunday, I dedicate myself to you, share like you, fair, not imposing. The three children find themselves tense sometimes, very sorry for their mother, saying, "I hire the CEO 10 years ago, it has been a lot of work, I have to rest too". Let me go out ”. The older one replied: "Think, what can you learn other than business?". God, how happy you hear! It is my child who chooses; I do not force it ...

What values ​​from parents do you treasure the most?

My mother is from Hai Phong, an assertive personality; my father is a loving, romantic Central. I "picked up" all my parents' personalities and wanted to pass it on to them. To understand children, give them a soul, and let them learn music, their souls will support them in times of life. Hard.

Being the boss, wife, mother, which one is the most difficult?

It is not difficult if I know that everyone has something wrong; forgiving themselves and forgiving others, it will be lighter. In human relationships, I do not see anyone bad. From a young age, dreaming, like to be a princess, the princess must be kind, careful, and considerate. It is also a great pressure to live properly. Every time I look in the mirror, I frown, I tell myself that no one believes I have a beautiful soul; I have to fix it all the time. Recently, every day I have a habit of refining what I do not right every day, saying The words are not good, do the wrong thing, to correct each day, commit themselves every morning to remind myself. Responsibility, working in carefree, the rest is singing. Singing is happy!

Singing to friends is a lot, but participating in the Tinh Bolero contest is another story; what does it mean for you?

More pressure to do business! One song a week, never so happy, because I live fully with every moment of that song, my feelings follow me for a few days. I realize the value of the desire for love in me, understand it when singing truthfully from the bottom of my liver, from which I am much more confident, Until 3-4 months, I am still dazzling ...

You have just released your first MV, "Tuy ca," so sad that it hurts?

That song cherished a lot. I sing and live really, just like that novel. The recording was right on my birthday; it was just a demo, but it sounded so awkward, so I filmed the MV. Also, a memory ...

You have so many friends; what makes you keep lasting friendships?

Some things cannot be shared with relatives, can only be said to you. In a friendship, we must be honest to listen, share, and get advice. Life is inherently sad, full of worries; every time I appear, I want everyone to be happy, so we always meet each other. To make people less sad than to do something else. I can't do much to let everyone see that I'm optimistic ...

Tại Việt Nam, hiếm có nhà công nghiệp nào dám đầu tư lớn vào ngành dây sợi tổng hợp cho hàng hải và nông nghiệp. Vậy mà Nguyễn Việt Hòa, người phụ nữ xinh đẹp, mảnh mai, có tiếng hát thật hay lại quyết định dấn thân vào lĩnh vực đòi hỏi công nghệ cao và rất khác biệt này.

10 năm theo đuổi giấc mơ, dây sợi tổng hợp của Rồng Á Châu (Asia Dragon) đã bay xa , chinh phục những thị trường khó tính nhất như Mỹ, Úc, Canada, Brazil, Mexico…


Rong A Chau 10 nam


Hoa Rong A Chau


Cong chua



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