Scaffolding techniques from tomato plant lines

Oct 19, 2020

Tomato plant cord is a type of wire made from high quality seine with many outstanding properties, which functions as a support for tomato plants to cling to and conditions for plants to grow well. From the tomato line, one can make various scaffolding techniques depending on the growing location that have plans to make the plant grow rapidly.


The tomato plant is a type of creeper plant, if you know how to make a trellis skillfully and know how to take care of it, the tree will produce many fruits, increasing the income of each season. Therefore, in addition to providing nutrients for plants, it is necessary to pay attention to how to make scaffolds to create conditions for plants to easily grow and develop best.


Here are the technical methods of making scaffold with only tomato growing ropes that are both simple and produce a high yield that not everyone knows:




1. Make a scaffold wrap around the tomato base


This is a fairly simple approach, and suitable for home-grown tomato growers in medium-sized settings.


How To: First, you need to have tomato growing strings fixed and parallel to the tomato pots below. Then, firmly pile the pile right below the ground close to the pot to make a tie from the pot to the upper rope to create a certain curvature, this will be the place where the tomato plant will cling to and grow. .



2. Make vines for the tomatoes


This is also a simple way and also saves a lot of money for growers.


How To: This only requires you to have a strong tomato growing string, to wrap it around the stalk of the tomato plant and then connect the other end to a fixed position up high. Right now the tomato plant is also easy to grow with the help of this strong string.

Các kỹ thuật làm giàn từ dây trồng cà chua



3. Create a vertical truss


This is how to create a scaffold before planting a tomato seed. This way helps to create a beautiful tomato scaffold, takes less area than the way for tomatoes to grow naturally.


How to do it: First you need to form vertical columns on the ground, then use the tomato growing ropes to connect the vertical truss. Then, sow the tomato seeds at the bottom of the trellis, when the tomatoes grow, there is a support for climbing and growing.


4. Create a cylindrical truss


This is one of the fairly effective ways and is adopted by many farmers in each season.


How To: To make this cylindrical truss, you first need to buy stainless steel and drive a stake around the base of the tomato plant. Then use a circular tomato planting line around the pre-made pile. As the tomatoes grow, tie the branches of the tomato with a string, which prevents the stem from being scratched, and affects the plant's growth.


To make tomato trusses, it requires you to find sturdy, high quality tomato growing strings, which not only create solid conditions for the plant to grow quickly but also help growers save a lot of time and money to make many options of truss technique for planting trees.


To get a good quality rope, you need to find and buy at reputable tomato growing companies and plants that are trusted and known by many people.


Asia Dragon - is proud to be one of the leading companies producing agricultural ropes and ropes in Vietnam.

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With modern production technology and strict inspection process - Asia Dragon is proud to always bring the highest quality products to customers, at extremely competitive prices in the market.


Characteristics of fibers that will grow tomatoes:


Therefore, when you are in need of buying tomato growing lines for technical scaffolding that requires durability and good quality, Asia Dragon is the perfect choice for you.


Low cost, time saving with 50 yarn spun yarns UV 2% helps to use within 2 years. It is easy to squeeze without pain, easy to withdraw Soft and slippery High breaking force, Light weight Made from 100% virgin plastic

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