Revealing how to grow and care for cucumbers for a good crop How to

Oct 14, 2020

grow and care for cucumbers for a bumper crop ??? - This is the question that many farmers are most interested in. In order to help people achieve their wishes, in the article below we will guide how to grow cucumbers, along with instructions for taking care of cucumbers for high yield efficiency.

Cucumber (also known as cucumber) is a familiar fruit in meals and daily drinks of many families. According to research results, in cucumber there is up to 96% water, along with it is an abundant source of vitamins, protein, calories and calcium. If this is a favorite dish that many Vietnamese families love. The economic development from this crop should be promoted and replicated by the farmers.

Cucumber is a popular crop in tropical climates. People can plant them all year round. This is a hygroscopic plant, so just make sure the soil is moist enough to have a good melon season.

Cucumbers grown in moist soil will grow better

Currently, there are many different types of cucumbers on the market such as: green cucumber, white cucumber, prickly cucumber, Thai cucumber ... Depending on the purpose and growing conditions. People choose the most suitable type of cucumber.

1. Technical standard instructions for growing cucumber

Step 1: Incubate the seeds and sow the seeds

Local people proceed to soak cucumber seeds in warm water about 30 degrees C for about 2-3 hours. At the end of the soaking time, farmers wash the seeds and then incubate them in a damp towel at 27-30 degrees C for 3-5 days. When you see a seed sprouting, sow it.

Method 1: Sowing directly on the ground

In this way, people need to plow the soil, and make a bed 20-30cm high. The soil before sowing should be mixed with manure or a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers and depending on the crop area.

After sowing seeds, farmers cover the top with a thin layer of straw, water it with moisture so that the plants have the best development conditions.

Method 2: Sowing in plastic trays, foam trays People

can take advantage of plastic pots, foam trays to sow seeds. Similar to method 1, after sowing, people also cover with a thin layer of straw. The soil before planting trees should be supplemented with fertilizer for the best growth conditions.

Compared with method 1, this method 2 can be active, rain and shine, so the rate of successful germination will be higher.

Step 2: Soil and plant cucumber

When the seedlings have about 3-4 leaves and become stronger, farmers can pick up each potting plant in pots, foam boxes or plant directly in the planted soil.

The soil for growing cucumbers should be sandy soil, soil containing a lot of organic matter, farmers can mix more soil with rice husks, humus, manure or animal manure.

 The process of making soil and planting cucumber

trees 7-10 days before planting, people remember to apply a little lime, manure or bio-organic fertilizer to increase the pH of the plant.

When planting trees, if planting directly in the soil, farmers should plow loose soil onto beds 20 - 30cm high with a distance of 60-70 cm. When planting, you should plant cucumbers in the early morning or afternoon when the sun has turned off. Cover the plants for 1-2 days, so that the cucumber seedlings can recover.

2. Instructions to take care of cucumber for the wrong crop

Maybe farmers do not know? Cucumbers grow quite quickly, so they don't need to spend too much effort in planting. Every day, people should water 1-2 times, as long as they can keep the soil moist.

At the time of the first 2-3 weeks, the cucumber plant will begin to develop stems, leaves and tendrils. At this time, people should proceed to make scaffolds for trees. The scaffolding for the tree also needs the correct technique, because it will affect the development of the branch as well as the fruit yield in the future.

How to make a cucumber truss

Instead of using bamboo, wood, and iron stakes to make the trellises, people can use cucumbers made from Asian Dragon's high-quality strands. With many outstanding features, cucumber growing rope functions as a support for plants to cling to, creating conditions for better growth. The yarn is made from 100% virgin resin, has high tensile strength, light weight, along with 2% UV resistance to help ensure product durability with a lifespan of up to 2 years.

How to make a cucumber truss with Asian Dragon yarn 

Currently, many farmers choose Asian Dragon's se fiber products to make a cucumber truss that is both simple and high-yield without spending too much effort or money. 

Taking care of cucumber when the tree is 1 month

old Farmers need to water more. Water for watering plants should be mixed with phosphate, nitrogen, potassium and urea to enhance nutrients. Regularly clean the grass and stump, remove the old leaves so that the plant has more flowers and fruits.

Take care of cucumbers when plants begin to flower and bear fruit.

After about 30-50 days of planting, cucumbers will flower and bear fruit. This is considered a quite sensitive period, so people need to water enough 2 times a day in the morning and evening. If the plant lacks water, it will produce small fruit and a bitter taste when eaten.

The nutritional requirements of the plant are doubled at this point, so watering must be intensified. At the same time, spray the HVP Auxin Organic to help the plant produce more flowers and fruits.

The pollination stage for plants is also crucial to productivity, in addition to relying on insects such as bees for pollination. People can use diluted sugar water sprayed on plants to attract bees. Or you cut off the male flower, use a cotton swab to press on the male flower to get pollen and then brush on the female flower ....

3. Harvest the cucumber

After about 60-80 days, depending on the conditions and the plant Planting that people determine it is time to harvest cucumbers. After each collection, farmers should add potassium and nitrogen once every 2 weeks to provide nutrients for the tree to continue raising fruit.

With the instructions for growing cucumbers and cucumber care instructions revealed above, Hopefully, farmers will have more good experience to grow cucumbers for the most fruitful and fruitful crop.

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