Revealing how to grow and care for cowpea with low pestilence, high yield

Oct 14, 2020

Referring to cowpea, we will immediately think of a popular food in daily meals with high nutritional value and many effects. Great for the body. Thanks to these outstanding advantages, the cowpea consumption rate is on the rise.

Grasping this fact, many farmers have chosen cowpea as the main crop for economic development. With the desire to help people have a good cowpea crop. In the article below, we will guide how to grow, and care for cowpea to ensure less pests and diseases, for high yield.

1. Preparing stage before planting cowpea

Before planting cowpea, people need to prepare some necessary things such as:

  • Prepare pots to sow seeds People

can take advantage of available tools such as : trays, pots, cement bags, foam boxes ... Note, if you plant cowpea in a pot, the pot must be perforated at the bottom so that the plant will not be waterlogged.

  • Choice of healthy seeds

Currently, there are 2 types of cowpea, short stem and tall stem. Depending on their needs and wants, people choose suitable seeds.

However, if you do not want to spend a lot of effort, you can buy seeds outside the store. If you want to harvest the pods for next year, people should choose big, long and fat cowpeas.

Choosing healthy seeds to plant

Accordingly, people let them be very old on the tree, then pick them down to dry and separate the seeds inside. Older seeds give better internal seed quality, high germination rates and healthy seedlings.

  • Choosing soil and making soil People

need to prepare well-planted soil, so that the seeds will germinate quickly and the plants grow healthier. 1 week before sowing, it is necessary to make the soil loose so that the soil does not stick to weeds, apply lime and mix with compost manure, mix well with the soil, and dry for 1 week to kill pathogens.

2. Steps to sowing cowpea for high yield

To get cowpea for high yield,need to follow the specific steps below:

farmersStep 1: Pre-sowing seeds should be soaked in warm water. at a temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius for 4-6 hours. Then incubate the seeds in the sand to allow the seeds to germinate.

Step 2: After the seeds germinate. People proceeded to sow cowpea seeds with a distance of 60-65cm, and a tree 25-30cm away from the tree.

Step 3: Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil and cover with straw to keep the seeds germinated longer. After sowing beans, it is necessary to water regularly, ensuring the soil is sufficiently moist for the best germination conditions. About 20-25 days after sowing, the cowpea will produce leaves.

Above are the steps on how to grow beans that have been tested in practice and success. So, people feel free to apply it.

3. Truss technique for cowpea

The cowpea plant is a creeper plant that, when grown, will have to make truss for the creeper, otherwise it will cause a serious decrease in yield.

When the cowpea tree starts to grow 20 - 25cm, it is necessary to make a truss in time, instead of planting piles, people can use agricultural strands with a length of 1.8 - 2m to make a truss type A or X ... to create conditions for plants to grow and crawl towards the top of the truss.

It is known that this agricultural fiber is made from virgin plastic, high tensile force, light weight, soft and smooth, knotted easily without pain, easy to draw. In addition, the bean plant is 2% UV resistant so people can use it for a long time, up to 2 years. Using agricultural fibers, will create a support for the cowpea to cling to and grow well.

Using agricultural fibers in supporting growth for cowpea

At present, farmers can buy these agricultural strands at Asia Dragon Spinning Co., Ltd. (Asian Dragon). This is the leading unit in Vietnam specializing in the production and distribution of agricultural fibers, ensuring a good growing condition with high yield.

Note: Before setting up the trellis, people need to disturb and cultivate the stump.

4. Guidance on taking care of cowpea with less pests and diseases.

To take care of the high-yield cowpea when harvested, people should divide the fertilization stage into 3 times. The first time since the tree was still young, the second time since the tree started to cling to the scaffold and the third time since the tree was flowering and giving fruit. Avoid fertilizing too much, causing damage to the tree.

After about 40 days of sowing, the plant will begin to bloom. Cowpea flowers usually bloom in the early morning. At this stage, people should also pay attention to provide adequate water because it determines the yield of the plant in the future. Cowpea flowers have a very high ability to self-pollinate, so people will not have to spend much effort on this.

After flowering, 3 to 4 days, young fruit will grow. The cowpea has a characteristic that when the fruit is produced in pairs.

Proper care of cowpea will give high yield.

From the calyx, the fruit will grow and grow long until it reaches a length of about 30 - 50cm. At this time, people need to prune old leaves to make the truss clear and help catch more sunlight to help the fruit grow.

Cowpea often suffers from the following main pests and diseases: enchantment worms, pollen beetles, fruit borer, yellow wilt disease, rust ... In particular, the fruit borer is the most difficult object to treat. To limit pests and diseases, farmers need to perform well the stage of field sanitation, pruning old leaves, applying pest management procedures, spraying pesticides in time when pests and diseases appear.

So we have just finished showing people how to grow and care for beans with less pests and diseases, for high yield. Hopefully, the above useful information will help people have a good crop and bring them a decent benefit from cowpea.

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