The most common types of mooring lines today

Oct 14, 2020

Ship mooring is used in the maritime industry with many functions, ensuring safety for ships when anchoring and docking at ports. Therefore, the role of mooring lines on ships in general and on fishing boats in particular is very important. The mooring line needs strength and durability, this article will share with you the most popular types of mooring lines today.

Why the mooring line needs to be durable and strong

The mooring line has a certain importance in navigation, the rope is responsible for keeping the ship safe when the ship is in the anchorage, avoiding the ship colliding with other ships caused unfortunate incidents


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Because of such an important task, the mooring line must ensure absolute certainty. In fact, there have been many cases of accidents occurred to ships when the mooring lines were broken and caused direct danger, even the lives of captains and sailors, fishermen working on board. It is necessary to check the mooring line at least once a month to ensure that the rope is still secure and intact, avoiding the risk of tying to the bridge wall

. Most today,

mooring is used on ships with a wide variety of varieties, but to ensure that which is the best and most trusted type of rope today, it is a difficult question. Asia Dragon would like to share with you the best quality and most commonly used. The

roperope is made from synthetic fibers Synthetic

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rope is made of synthetic synthetic resins, especially Polypropylene. It is widely used for all activities in the marine industry, because this wire has the outstanding features such as:

  • High strength, high
  • resistance to moisture, abrasion
  • Resistant to chemicals and ultraviolet rays


Metal mooring rope

This is the type of rope used on board ships, mainly made of low carbon steel wire, which is usually 0.2 mm to 5 mm in diameter, mostly coated. zinc or aluminum to prevent rust.

This type of metal wire is also trusted by many people because it has the characteristics of being made of steel, but always soft because it is formed from the core of vegetable wire with oil permeability inside, when the wire works. the wire pressed against the core causes oil to soak into the wires to prevent the wire from rusting.

These are the types of mooring lines are most commonly used today, Asia Dragon understands the importance of mooring lines so we are committed to always offer products of high quality standards is best for you

Li because you should use the fastener of Asia Dragon:

  • Asia Dragon is a leading company in Vietnam in the production of ropes, plastic ropes, ship fasteners serving the maritime industry. The prestige and brand name of Asia Dragon have been affirmed through many years of development.
  • High quality and reasonable price.
  • There are many types, colors, and sizes to suit a wide range

of needs. If you have a need for mooring lines for the marine industry, please contact Asia Dragon for more details.

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