Tell the farmers how to grow and care for a lushcantaloupe

Oct 14, 2020

and matureMelon is a fruit that when eaten crunchy and has a sweet taste, this is a nutritious fruit that brings many useful health values ​​for people. Therefore, that melon is popular with many consumers today.

It is known that melon is often grown in membrane houses, net houses combined with drip irrigation with semi-hydroponic technology for high yield. It sounds simple, but getting the technique right is not easy. In the article below, we will guide farmers how to grow melon and take care of melon, committed to being lush, giving the most fruit.

1. Techniques of growing melon properly for high yield

Here are the steps to properly plant melon, committed to high productivity:

Technical instructions for properly growing melon 

Step 1: Soak and sow melon seeds

First, farmers must choose good seeds, then soak seeds in warm water for 4-5 hours. Then bring the seeds to a damp towel for 1 day to allow the seeds to crack.

Step 2: Sowing melon seeds

Put seeds soaked in nursery pots, cover with a thin layer of soil, keep in a cool place and water to keep seeds moist. Nursery soil should use soil mixed with vermi-compost or manure to have enough nutrients for healthy seedlings.

After 2 days of incubating, the plants begin to germinate, you just need to water with just enough water for the melon plant to grow. After about 8 - 10 days, the plant will begin to produce 2 real leaves.

When nursing, sow seeds into pots, water them and keep them in a cool place. During this period, farmers should not water a lot of water because it will waterlogg the seeds and not germinate. Seed nursery soil is often mixed with vermicompost or rotting manure to add nutrients to the seeds to sprout quickly. After a few days, the plant has real leaves before planting it in a big box. 

Note: Only a few holes should be made in the foam bin to keep water for the plant to grow, and not to wash off all of the fertilizer.

Step 3: Planting seedlings

When the melon plant produces 2 - 3 main leaves, people begin to hit the planting pot. Because melon has large fruit, so if grown in a foam box or bucket, you must choose a deep and large pot.

Create a deep earthen hole, gently lift the seedling melon, cut the nylon bag and place the potted in the pre-punched hole, bury the plant under the ground, to chop the base. Cover with straw, humus wood, hay around the base to keep the plants moist in the beginning.

Note: Farmers should plant melon trees in the cool afternoon, when the sun has turned off. After planting, need to water 2 times a day and cover to create shade for the first week, so that the seedlings can recover.

2. Experience of taking care of lush and fruit melon

Conclusion from the experience of taking care of melon of many "old farmers", we have synthesized the following useful ways:

  • Melon soil must be loose and watered. water regularly. Need to apply more NPK fertilizer to make the plant easy to flower and set fruit. If you only water the plant with water, it will be difficult for the tree to set fruit, melon will produce small, stunted, and pale fruit.
  • Since the tree has 2 - 3 real leaves, we need to prune the leaves and prune the tops, people need to cut off all the leaves until the 8th - 10th leaves are to leave that branch. When the tree is 22-25 leaves, cut off the tops to focus on fruit feeding.
  • Fertilization: When the plant has 4-5 leaves, it is necessary to add more potassium and nitrogen. Cover the base with coir to retain moisture and prevent soil erosion when watering. At the stage of leaf development, it is necessary to water dilute nitrogen around the base. In addition, when the fruit begins to swell to nine, people need to fertilize NPK weekly, to create conditions for the best development. Also, remember to add more potassium and nitrogen until about 15 days before harvest.
  • When the tree starts to produce 4-5 real leaves, then start making scaffolds for cucumbers. Instead of piling, people can use high quality melon plant fibers. This type of rope has quite high tensile strength and small elasticity, with primitive plastic material and special structure, the fiber does not hurt the plant even though it has good bearing capacity. The durable, tough wire body is superior to conventional nylon wires.

Making scaffold for melon with quality agricultural fibers

At present, Asian Dragon is a specialized supplier of quality and prestigious agricultural fibers in Vietnam. Buying spun yarn for melon in addition to the above benefits. The fiber grown melon also has more effective resistance to ultraviolet rays, as well as outdoor influences with a durability of up to 2 years. 

In particular, the usage of this yarn is also quite easy and convenient. People only need to tie one end of the rope to the hook, the other end is suspended with the right length. When the tree grows to what height it is okay to start winding around the trunk. Currently, the price of Asian Dragon melon plant fibers is quite cheap, very affordable for farmers.

Note: During the time the fruits are set, if there are too many fruiting flowers, you can cut them off just to let the plant produce 2-3 fruits. This, both helps the tree focus on growing fruit, and helps to limit the weight of the fruit that pulls off the tree.

3. How to identify the right time to harvest melon

According to experience, from the date the fruit starts to swell to the date of maturity, it will take about 1 month. When ripe, melon must be ivory-white or yellow, the mesh veins appear clearer and have a fragrance. 

Farmers harvest and cover melon before selling to the market.

If the fruit is still green, the melon is young, at this time picking the fruit will be pale and bitter. When picking melons is finished, people should keep it in a cool place for another day or two. At this time, melon will be sweeter and more delicious, suitable for eating or selling in the market.

With specific instructions on how to grow and care for melon, it is committed to good watering the fruit above. We hope that the farmers will have a good crop, and at the same time bring to consumers the most delicious, sweet and highest quality melon.

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