Guidance on how to grow and care for high-yield bananas

Oct 14, 2020

Possessing the advantages of easy planting, easy consumption and high economic efficiency, banana trees are now popular with many local farmers. With the desire to help farmers have effective crops. In the article below, we will guide how to grow bananas and take care of bananas with correct techniques, to commit to the wrong fruit. 

1. Some basic requirements for the best growth of a banana tree


Like other fruits, a banana tree that wants to grow well needs the following basic factors:


Land for planting 



The banana tree is suitable for growing on loose alluvial soil, rich in humus, rich in nutrients, moisturizing and well-drained. The banana soil needs to be at least 0.7m thick enough for the best root development. In addition, the pH of the soil must also ensure a standard of 5 - 7. For acidic soils, it is necessary to apply limestone to the soil regularly, otherwise it will affect the growth of banana trees. 

The loose alluvial soil is very suitable for growing bananas.

Note: Banana soil needs 2 - 3 crops of conditions before planting bananas must plant other crops.             


Monsoon tropical climate is considered to be the most suitable for the growth of banana trees. The ideal temperature for planting is between 20-30 degrees Celsius. However, be careful not to plant bananas in areas where floods often occur. Because if they are flooded for too long, bananas will quickly rot roots and be damaged by pests and diseases.

In addition, planting bananas during stormy seasons will also cause them to die quickly. Since this is a herbaceous plant, it has no wood tissue, so it is susceptible to being broken by strong winds. To avoid this situation, people need to perform positioning by using fibers to plant bananas or plan to harvest bananas before the stormy period.





In order for the banana tree to grow well for fruit quality and high yield, farmers need to add substances such as:

  • Protein helps to differentiate flower buds, green banana leaves are not thin, leaf speed fast, early flowering More fruit, more pods, more pods.
  • Potassium helps the banana tree to be plump, stronger, prevent infection, the edge of the banana leaf is also not wilted, the fruit is bigger, tastier and more fragrant.
  • Lan helps the leaves to be strong, resistant to fungi, diseases, and roots develop better.
  • Calcium helps leaves not to yellow spots, larger leaves, and better disease resistance.





2. Guiding how to grow banana in accordance 

with the banana growing season


According to the research results, bananas should be planted at the beginning of the rainy season to take advantage of the irrigation water. In areas where there is a shortage of water, it is advisable not to plant bananas no later than 6 weeks before the next dry season. The time from planting to harvesting is about 11-12 months                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Soil for banana cultivation Banana

soil must be plowed and harrowed 2-3 times, with a depth of 0.5 m. The suitable planting density of banana is 3000 trees / ha. If the tree is planted too thick, it will slow down the production time, the small banana chamber size due to the competition for large light, slow the growth of lateral buds, increase the disease rate for the plant. 

The distance or density of banana cultivation often depends on the variety, soil fertility, climate, and water content. Therefore, farmers need to decide on the density of banana planting to suit the actual soil conditions. Accordingly, the appropriate planting distance is 2.0 mx 2.0 m.

 The best banana planting steps  

Guide the banana cultivation techniques with correct


Step 1: Cover the rice husk about 15cm thick on the field surface, at the same time burn to avoid pathogens, reduce the density of harmful microorganisms, kill weeds, increase nutrition for plants. Add nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium to improve soil physical conditions. Before planting, it is necessary to apply lime for the plants.                                                                                                                

Step 2: Dig holes with the dimensions of the hole: length x width x height is 40 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm.                                                                                                                                   

Step 3: Apply fertilizer to the bottom of the hole, cover with topsoil.                                                                          

Step 4: Place the seedlings in the hole and fill a portion of soil for the plant to stand firmly. Then gently remove the potting bag by withdrawing it. Finally, fill up the rest of the soil to avoid the root of the banana seedling to be broken, ... It is better to plant it in the early morning or in the afternoon.                                                                                                                                          

Step 5: Water the newly planted banana trees.                                                                       

3. How to take care of banana trees for high yield

Here are some ways to care for banana trees that are drawn from the experience of "old farmers" very interesting and useful.

  • During the 3-month period after planting bananas, it is necessary to keep the soil moist, clean the grass, cover the soil, and fertilize according to the process so that the plant can achieve high yields.
  • 15 days after planting, if any seedlings die, need additional planting to replace, should plant trees with the same size. Weeding in the planting area 30-45 days after planting.
  • Water should be watered regularly every 2 days during the first month of planting. In the second month, water once a week to maintain 70-80% soil moisture.
  • Fertilization for plants needs to ensure nutritional balance, need fertilizing and fertilizing for plants. Specific fertilizer formula, will be specifically instructed at the fertilizer dealer for agricultural fruit trees.
  • People should only leave 1-2 buds for the next season. So, if more than 2 buds should be removed to avoid competition for nutrition, keep the buds healthy, balanced, less than 1m high and the leaves are not wide open. To prevent the buds from regrowth, after removing the growing tip, you need to water a 2.4 D solution of 0.5% concentration of buds to avoid spreading disease from one plant to another.
  • Need to remove old leaves and diseased leaves, otherwise pests and diseases will reside here and spread to many other plants
  • Use a plastic bag to cover the chamber to increase fruit size and shorten the time from chamber to harvest. .
  • Removing male flowers at a position about 10cm below the last set of pods, and at the same time, the pods help increase the size of the lower bunch and the weight of the pods.
  • In particular, it is recommended to use the fiber used to grow banana (high quality polypropylene yarn) to fix, keep the stem of the banana tree from falling, not affected by the climate and weather, even though the weight of the banana chamber how big. Especially when the tree gives fruit, the banana tree will have the greatest weight and will easily fall over. At this time, it is necessary to have a banana growing rope to tie it up.










Use Asia Drago banana wire to fix and increase weight tolerance for plants

>>> Maybe farmers do not know ?!

The quality banana yarns used for growing bananas is currently supplied by Asia Dragon Spinning Co., Ltd. or Asia Drago. This is the first enterprise in Vietnam to produce fibers from synthetic plastic for the agricultural sector, particularly banana ropes. With outstanding advantages are long life, reusable many times, high traction, good elasticity. The yarn used to grow banana Asia Drago is the ideal choice for farmers who want to develop economically effectively, from this type of banana cultivation.

The above are instructions on growing bananas, along with instructions on how to take care of bananas with proper technique, drawn from the long experience of banana growing by "old farmers". This information promises to help people who want to grow a specialized banana plant, get high economic efficiency with a yellow banana garden, which is not fruitful. 

Wishing farmers a rich harvest thanks to this effective way of planting and taking care of banana trees!

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