The secret to growing and caring for a simple chili for a chili fruit

Oct 14, 2020

that is not growing at all? How to plant and take care of a chili that is simple, but still gives the wrong fruit? This must be the question, but many farmers wanted to know the answer. Then, invite farmers to refer to the article below to learn the secrets of growing and caring for chili effectively.

Although chili plant is easy to grow but very sensitive to pests and diseases, just be careful not to prevent the disease in time will lead to huge loss of yield. So, how to make plants healthy, free from pests, high yield. The following article will give you the most specific and complete answer.

1. planting peppers Recipes proper technique

peppers 1.1 Features

Chillican be grown all year round, but usually focus on three main services:

  • the spring and summer: 2-3 months sowing, harvesting from October 4-9
  • Fall Winter Service : sowing in September, harvested from January next year.
  • Winter-Spring crop: sown in November-December, harvested February-June next year

In terms of light: The chili plant prefers complete light, the more sunshine the fruit is, the more beautiful and nutritious it is.

Temperature: Chilli like high temperature about 25-30 degrees C

Humidity: Chilli like average humidity.

1.2 Soil-making and planting techniques

Peppers are not picky on soil, but should choose soils that are less salty, alum-contaminated, and with good nutritional content. pH = 5.5-6.5 is the best. Good soil should be rotated with beans, rice, corn ... for at least 3 years. In the previous season, it is not advisable to grow eggplant, tomato, chili ... to prevent fungal diseases to spread to the plants. Soil needs to have a porous structure such as clayey soil, rice paddy soil, alluvial soil, sandy soil, ...

Suitable soil for growing chili

Peppers are known to be poorly resistant to waterlogging, so people need to up a high bed, about 20 - 30cm, 1 - 1.2m wide (double row), 30 - 40cm wide trench, about 40-45cm from the tree, about 60cm from the row.

1.3 Instructions on how to fertilize chili

  • Basing: For every 500m2, deep fertilize according to the canal with the amount of 7-8 quintal of decomposed animal manure, 15 - 20kg of lime powder and 4 - 6kg of high-grade NPK 15.15.15 + TE. If possible, farmers use plastic film to cover the bed surface to limit weeds, pests and diseases, reduce fertilizer loss and irrigation water.
  • Irrigation: After planting 5-7 days, when the plants are fresh again, start taking root and watering. Phase 30 - 50gr NPK 15.15.15 + TE in 20 liters of water, irrigate around the base of the plant.
  • First fertilization: About 20-25 days after planting, when the plants begin to branch. Apply 8 - 10kg of high-grade NPK 15.15.15 + TE / 500m2.
  • Fertilizing the second time: When the plants begin to bloom, young fruit. The amount of fertilizer is also 8 - 10kg of high-grade NPK 15.15.15 + TE / rod 500m2. Attention should be paid to the combination of tillage and root tillage in each fertilization.
  • Water the fertilizer a third time when the tree starts to bear fruit (after the first harvest) and boost the 4th time at full harvest. Each watering is about 8 - 10kg NPK 15.15.15 + TE / 500m2. How to water: Mix 40 - 50gr of fertilizer in 10-20 liters of water, irrigate around the base of the plant. If well cared for at this time, the plant can extend harvest time up to more than 2 months.


Following the instructions on growing chili with the above techniques, farmers will have a lush and healthy chili field, waiting for the date of flowering and fruiting for farmers to harvest.

Applying fertilizer properly, chili will give many fruits, prevent pests and diseases well

2. Recipes care for chili for fruit that is not well under the branches

Although it is a plant that tolerates waterlogging poorly, people also need to keep the plants moist. If the field is frequently dry, then trench irrigation is the best method. When a tree is branching, pruning should be done below the first branching point to provide ventilation. Should conduct pruning when it is sunny. 

In addition, the stem of chili is small and weak, so it is necessary to make a trellis to keep the tree standing, prolong the harvest time and limit the phenomenon of pests and diseases caused by the tree falling.

Usually chili trellises are made of plants or agricultural fibers. Each row of chili peppers placed 2 large pillars at both ends. Use a string to stretch the stakes in a row of chili connected to the two pillars. Where the chili is tall, stretch the rope there to keep the tree upright. Combining each chili tree should plug a small tree about 1m high, tied to the main body to support the tree, because when chili carries many fruits, wind can easily fall.

Using agricultural fibers to prop up chili

It is known that agricultural fibers are currently specialized products for effective support. At the same time, the rope also supports the plant to grow well. Possesses outstanding features such as: soft, does not cut into tree trunks, withstands support force of 20kg or more, and long-term use. It can be said that this chili growing agricultural fiber is the ideal choice for people in taking care of chili to grow and develop in the best way.

Asia Dragon Spinning Company Limited, also known as Asian Dragon, has many years of experience in producing high quality agricultural se-yarn for export market. The unit's agricultural yarn has been used successfully and widely in many agricultural zones across the country. Choosing this kind of support wire for this chili, people can be completely assured of the bad effects of weather and environment. 

Besides, farmers also need to regularly check the field, remove old leaves, pests, detect and prevent pests in time. That way, it will ensure that chili plants grow healthy, resistant to many pests and diseases and give high quality yield.

Applying the above secrets of growing and caring for chili peppers, people will have the wrong chili crop. Hopefully, the big, long, sleek peppers, ... will bring farmers a better income.

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