5 ways to recycle hay bale twine

Oct 03, 2020

We are all agree about how important baler twine is in agriculture industry nowadays. It has so many benefits which could leverage farming into the next level - a more productivity and fast level.


But comes along with benefits, are drawbacks. Baler twine is a double-edged sword. Despite all of its advantages, we can not deny its disadvantages to the environment. Most of the baler twine which is used in rural areas ends up in a landfill - a place to dispose of waste material by burying it and covering it over with soil, especially as a method of filling in or extending usable land. The rest of it accumulates on landowners’ property or is burned. Moreover, it is reported to be unsafe to burn the polypropylene twine due to the toxic fumes emitted.

big square baler twine


Baler twine also has some not-so-good impact on animals. Wildlife and livestock can ingest baling twine and become seriously ill or even die. Twine poses an especially deadly strangling hazard to birds. Researchers have reported that baler twine is responsible for entangling and killing around ten percent of osprey chicks annually in some states.


Should we stopping using baler twine that is made of artificial materials and start using natural fiber twine instead? The answer is, it’s up to you. If you fall for the benefits that baler twine can provide, keep using it, but remember to recycle it after using it on the field.


Here are five ways that according to Asia Dragon, can recycle hay bale twine, keeping the environment and your animals safe from it.


#1: Send you used baler twine to recycling baler twine organisations


There is a heap of organisations which actually take actions on recycling this special type of twine - baler twine. In fact, with just a few clicks on any search engines (like Google or Bing), you can easily find out whether there is an organisation like this near your area or how can you send your used baler twine to them.


This can be considered as the most easy as well as carefree way to recycle baler twine. As you don’t need to think about what you should do which your leftover baler twine, just let those organisations do their work.


#2: Spice up your house with baler twine decorations


If you like to get on the job and recycle baler twine all by yourself, then this is the way you should do. Take all of the used, old baler twine which is already did their purpose on the farm, and wash them carefully to remove all of the dust, oil or anything else, then let them dry naturally in the sunshine.


After that, there is a ton of things that you could do with them. Crocheting them into a doormat to add a little country-taste to your house. Or braid them into basket and keep fruits inside of it. Whatever you can craft with twine, do it with these used baler twine, because if you didn’t do it, they will end up somewhere in the dumpster or a landfill.


#3: Give away your used baler twine for free


This baler twine may serve its purposes with you, but not with others. Who would have known if there is someone else need baler twine to to some special things but don’t have the ability/time to afford it at baler twine manufacturers.


Put your used baler twine into bundles, neat and clean and leave them at the gate of your farm (or your house) and put a lovely sign say “Free twine”. A lot of farmers in the US tried applying this way and after a few days, all the twine is gone for good.


#4: Donate your old baler twine for The Girl Scouts (only apply if you are in the US)


The Girl Scouts in the US use baler twine for clothesline when they are camping in the wild or throughout their activities. You can donate your used baler twine to them as a small gift. Because if you do that, they don’t have to buy another twine for clothesline therefore they can save their funds for other activities.


#5: Reuse your used baler twine


You can only apply this way if your baler twine is still in good condition after using. Most of the low quality twine can not be recycled this way. If you invest in high quality baler twine in the beginning, feel free to reuse it.


There are traditional ways to recycle hay bale twine, but also creative ways. It is up to you that which way is more suitable. But remember recycling helps the environment heals.

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