3 reasons why you should use lawn fibers today

Oct 14, 2020

The use of straw and grass has always been appreciated from the past to the present - from the time the technology was not developed to the age of technology. Because grass, straw and stubble are raw materials for many areas of production as well as serve many aspects of our life. After we have collected the weeds, we need to properly package and store them so we can use the substance of the best quality. Therefore, the importance of mint yarn - the functional product, is undeniable. Here are 3 reasons that you should use grass bundles today recommended by Asia Dragon.

Reason 1: Preserve the properties of grass, straw when packing and storing

Nowadays, hay and straw are often used to make plywood - an alternative to wood to make furniture such as tables, chairs, cabinets .... Therefore, it is very important to store straw in a way that retains its properties.

Sợi bó cỏ được sử dụng để cố định các kiện cỏ khô sau khi thu gom

Lawn bundles are used to fix hay bales after collection

With weed fibers good quality, you can easily bundle hay, straw behind the collection area into large blocks without affecting its characteristics. For some types weed fibers of low quality, after a period of use, they will rot, expand due to the environmental conditions, affecting the quality of the grass and straw being stored. .


Reason 2: One-time investment and long-term use


After opening the bales of hay to be used for production, husbandry, or cultivation activities, normal ropes cannot be reused. The main reason is because they are not specially designed for bundling of straw and grass, so their useful life is very short.


Sợi bó cỏ nhựa PP nguyên sinh của Asia Dragon

Asia Dragon's primary PP plastic grass bundle

For grass bundles specialized, after unpacking, you can collect the rope and use it for the next packing of hay. The toughness, the unbreakable structure of the lawn fiber specializedallows you to do this easily, with no effort at all.


Therefore, you only need to invest 1 time in the bundle of grass, and reuse it the next time. What a completely beneficial investment.


Reason 3: the versatile use of grass fiber


In addition to being used to pack hay, straw, the bundle of grass has many other uses. You can use grass fibers to immobilize goods when transported from the producer to the destination. With its toughness and good bearing properties, the grass bundle can fulfill the use of the cargo tie .


These are just 3 reasons out of the many reasons that you should use grass bundles when packing your hay and straw. The use of special ropes for the collection and storage of grass, straw helps you reduce the steps of preservation, reduce investment capital as well as effort. Asia Dragon always wants to accompany you on the next development path withproducts grass fiber high qualitythat best serve your needs.

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