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3 reasons why you should use lawn fibers today

Oct 14, 2020

3 reasons why you should use lawn fibers today

The use of straw and grass has always been appreciated from the past to the present - from the time the technology was not developed to the age of technology. Because grass, straw and stubble are raw materials for many areas of production as well as serve many aspects of our life. After we have collected the weeds, we need to properly package and store them so we can use the substance of the best quality. Therefore, the importance of mint yarn - the functional product, is undeniable. Here are 3 reasons that you should use grass bundles today recommended by Asia Dragon.


All you need to know about the rope

Oct 14, 2020

All you need to know about the rope

rope (also known as a braid) is a type of rope with strands woven together in separate structures, to increase strength and applicability. for wire. Let's learn more about this rope with Asia Dragon.


Ropes and uses you did not know about

Oct 14, 2020

Ropes and uses you did not know about

Rope - A name that is not too unfamiliar to each person. Perhaps in everyday life as well as at work, there will be many unfortunate situations that happen without the help of twine. However, few people know what its wonderful benefits bring


Commonly used

Oct 14, 2020

Commonly used

ropes Ropes are a type of rope that is very familiar to everyone's life, because its appearance dates back thousands of years. No one can deny the importance of rope in life as it can be used for many different purposes. Nowadays, ropes are manufactured into many different types to well serve each particular need.


PP rope with unexpected and impressive production technology - Asia Dragon

Oct 14, 2020

PP rope with unexpected and impressive production technology - Asia Dragon

Currently almost no one knows about rope products, this is an extremely popular material in many other industries, fields and services. together. PP rope has become a material rope with outstanding properties compared to other types of rope.


Fiber growing melon - an indispensable tool when growing melon

Oct 14, 2020

Fiber growing melon - an indispensable tool when growing melon

High-tech melon growing industry is increasingly developing in Vietnam when it starts to use specialized equipment and materials for the greenhouse environment. Fiber growing melon With outstanding advantages as well as cost saving up to 30% is a product being interested.